時間約6/3凌晨一點左右,地點美國Ohio, Akron, Buchtel Ave上的一間公寓,歹徒是兩個蒙面黑人。案發當時我正在洗臉,準備要睡覺,我兩個好友一個從台灣來,一個由北卡來探望我,在客廳上網,洗完後,聽到一聲電風扇掉落聲音,我不悅對兩個好友嚷嚷:你們不要搞破壞~~擦完臉一回身,一個全身黑衣蒙面的黑人拿著槍正指著我,我真的狠狠的被嚇一跳~~


我腦中聯想到前陣子學校通知校園南邊發生搶案的事,知道自己要被搶了,歹徒A黑人口音,叫我go to the fuck living room。( 操!我要fuck也要在bedroom )我不自覺想去臥室,但隨即他又把槍舉起來,I say go to the fuck living room,我手舉起來走去客廳,經過時看到剛剛倒完垃圾的門沒鎖,那人推我去沙發旁邊,我看到窗戶開著,意識到他們由窗戶進來,所以風扇才會掉下來。我也注意到我兩個朋友王和魏已經蹲在地上。此時,他叫我趴下,我想看清楚另一個歹徒B手上拿的是甚麼武器,歹徒A看我不動作,拿槍ㄎㄠ我的頭,用力的說 : I say laying down...我於是趴下,熱熱的汗流下臉,有一滴掉到我手上,是紅色的,更!!而且越滴越多。

於是他問我有沒有現金,我想要怎麼說比較好時,他們又ㄎㄠ了我一下,魏於是開口,我有現金給你們,魏的動作提醒我合作一點。我於是開始想有沒有辦法脫身,我思考回到大門沒鎖,我一開就可以出去叫警察,我琢磨著,此時王被ㄎㄠ了一下,又被踹了一腳。我想到,要是出去變成王和魏是人質,那也不好,何況槍說不定是真的。歹徒開始拿走他們想拿的東西,我瞄到另一個B正在裝三台notebook到他的黃色包包。我又思考王比較拗,他如果起身反抗,我也要馬上支援。這時王因為回答問題太慢,持槍歹徒不爽了,對王說:you fucking try me。於是拉了槍上膛,喀嚓一聲,又落一句狠話,you fucking try me...。又被踹了一下。拿槍那一個開始喃喃自語,到處翻東翻西,我想到跟他賭槍的真假是不智的,還是配合趕快打發他們走。我擔心我的研究數據,於是眼睛瞄他們有沒有拿走備分硬碟,被不屑的踢在地上,更!!可是他們卻想拿走鍵盤,他們是想回去跪鍵盤嗎?靠他XX的死黑人!!我看不見魏,我看王也乖乖不動作,看來應該跟我想法一樣,我的血好像不留了,幹的好!我的血小板。心想,更XX機歪死黑人,拿完快滾。最後他們拿走所有手機,臨走前說歹徒A說:"我們沒工作,都是你們這些外國人搶走我們飯碗,我做我們該做的。"更,死pussy!!你們要對付的是華爾街那些人吧!更@!


凌亂的房間,和逐漸恐懼的心,讓我問了警察: 請問歹徒還會回來嗎? 警察肯定的說,不會,要我們安心,他們已經派人去抓了。和我共患難的好友也累了,用藥用酒精處理傷口,互相打氣一下,持槍搶劫是重大案件,他們應該不會吃案,(這就是外國人的弱勢與悲哀)討論一下再來該怎麼辦......



update :

1.我的朋友也描述了當時情景  參考http://www.wretch.cc/blog/chopin95/20444498



6/6 Akron Beacon Journal

Suspects in UA thefts arrested


Police look for links between men, string of robberies, rape

By Phil Trexler
Beacon Journal staff writer

Police believe two men arrested this week in a home invasion have targeted off-campus University of Akron students in a spate of robberies and at least one rape.

The men were arrested Wednesday morning by uniformed and undercover city and university police patrolling UA neighborhoods in response to the attacks.

Their arrest came shortly after the suspects forced their way inside a East Buchtel Avenue apartment, robbed and pistol whipped three men.

Davarius C. Allen, 19, and Thomas M. Knight, 22, both of Sumner Street in Akron, were arrested after a chase with officers immediately after the break-in.

Police say they recovered property from the break-in from inside Allen's car as well as a handgun.

Detectives then obtained a search warrant
for Allen's apartment.

Inside the home, police say they recovered evidence linking Allen to the May 28 break-in and sexual assault of an Allyn Street woman, who was awakened in her bed by an intruder, robbed and raped.

Police detectives are continuing their investigation seeking a link to at least three other home invasions that appear to have targeted UA students, Lt. Rick Edwards said Friday.

''I know we have a couple other ones we're investigating right in that area south of Exchange [Street],'' Edwards said. ''We're following up with some victims. We're following up with some property recovered to see if we can directly link them, or if they are responsible for any other home invasions or burglaries in the area.''

For now, Allen and Knight are being held in the Summit County Jail.

Allen is charged with four counts of aggravated robbery, two counts each of aggravated burglary, felonious assault and receiving stolen property.

He is also charged with the rape of the Allyn Street woman and felonious assault of a police officer for alleging trying to ram the officer's car during a pursuit leading to his arrest.

Knight is charged with three counts of aggravated robbery, two counts of felonious assault, aggravated burglary and receiving stolen property.

Edwards said the suspects broke into the East Buchtel Avenue apartment at about 12:30 a.m. Wednesday, pistol-whipped three men inside and robbed them of wallets, computers, cell phones and a 40-inch TV.

Immediately after the robbery, police in the area were alerted and located Allen's car, fueling a short chase, Edwards said.



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